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About IFSC

About IFSC

IFSC keeps 22 campuses in the state of Santa Catarina

The Federal Institute of Santa Catarina (IFSC) is a Brazilian federal autarchy, linked to the Ministry of Education (MEC) through the Secretary of Professional Education and Technology (Setec).

The Rectory  Building  is located in Florianópolis, capital of Santa Catarina state. IFSC holds many campus spread around the state. There are campus in Araranguá, Caçador, Canoinhas, Chapecó, Criciúma, Florianópolis, Garopaba, Gaspar, Itajaí, Jaraguá do Sul, Joinville, Lages, Palhoça, São Carlos, São José, São Lourenço do Oeste, São Miguel do Oeste, Tubarão, Urupema and Xanxerê.

The main purpose of the institution is to offer qualification in many fields of study, in the various levels and modalities of education, as well as conduct research and development of new processes, products and services, in order to enhance the productive sectors in Santa Catarina.

IFSC holds partnerships with many international institutions in education abroad. Periodically, it receives students, professors and administrative officers in exchange programs.

We offer Portuguese Language courses and Brazilian Culture for foreigners, especially for immigrants in our country. For more information about the courses, check out the "Guia de Cursos do IFSC" (Course Guide), selecting the courses by city or directly in our search system.

Courses Guide

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